Hi, you

I’m so happy you found my little corner of the internet.

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful- that will be my life.”

Elsie de Wolfe

This quote is really inspiring to me and i try to live by it. Romanticising life, paying attention to the little details and finidingjoy in the smallest things and moments.

I hope to bring some of these small joys to this part of the internet, to create a place full of small moments, seasonal things and feel good content.

I am Pippa, 20 years old. Sometimes i feel like 20 and that i shouldn’t be writing about life and deep feelings, because how can i know being a mere 20 years old and not having much life experience yet (i am quite the overthunker!) at other times i feel like an old soul trapped in a 20 year olds body. I enjoy knitting, and most nights you wont find me awake past midnight.

When i am not reading or writing, you will probably find me creating something. It might be a new jumper, taking photos or sketching in my sketchbook. I hope to tell you more about my creative projects in my monthly newsletter.

Some more things i love:

  • Taylor Swift

  • random conversations with strangers

  • cooking (always vegetarian, more and more often also vegan)

  • Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

  • wildflowers

  • re reading my favourite books

  • the first signs of Spring

Meadow Journal Letters

I am going to post a newsletter once a month, filled with my favourite things, books, food, creative projects, music and other newsletters.

Every now and then, usually irregularly, i will try to make sense of the world through writing. Past letters have been about overthinking, people pleasing and the imposter syndrome. I feel like i learn a lot about myself and others when i put words onto paper, and in turn i hope to maybe bringe some sense and understanding of being human to others.

At the moment all of my content is free, every email i send will land directly in your inbox.

I am also enjoying the Notes feature a lot and you will find me there, sharing inspiring posts of others, little moments of my day or participating in other writers threads, come and say hi!

You can also find me on Instagram.

If this sounds like you might like to stay and ponder about the world with me, you can sign up here:)

Subscribe to Meadow Journal

Trying to make sense of the world through words, my perspective as a 20 year old overthinker and people pleaser. Balancing out all the questions with monthly posts filled with favourite books, food, art and other creators.


I'm pippa and I write about all my big thoughts and questions, mostly just questions and sometimes, if I'm lucky, I will come to an answer.